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Adir Yakobi

Adir Yakobi grew up in Hadera, a town in Israel. He now lives and works from Tel Aviv, after time serving in the army. Adir originally debated studying Architecture, but on the realisation that he not only enjoys the idea of designing but also creating with his own hands, he began studying Product Design at Shankar College of Art. The immediacy of producing in this way gave him great satisfaction, compared to architecture, that could take months, even years to be fulfiled. He now creates one-of-a-kind, high-end, handmade pieces from unexpected materials.

Adir Yakobi  - Threaded & Thrown

During his studies, Adir started by designing and creating a lighting collection. He describes this as being 'pretty simple', but it gave him the knowledge and experience for designing and making his own collection, as well as selling his designs. As his work developed, he became less interested on commercial and architectural design, and more focused on art and collectable design.

The materials that Adir works with to create his designs include various building materials, as well as pieces of rubbish. Recycling and sustainability are fundamental in his designs; take for instance his 'Trash to Treasure' seat (below, right) which is made completely from recycled rubbish. Cardboard tubes and nylon bags have been turned into a construction material - that look far from rubbish!

Adir Yakobi  - Threaded & Thrown

We asked Adir to explain the process that he takes when it comes to designing and making his objects. He told us that it really depends on the finished look; he'll start with a general idea and take it from there. Some of his projects have been planned to the absolute millimetre, such as his 'Meccano Chair' (above, left). He designed the chair digitally with 3D software and from these plans he created the design for the aluminium profiles. Having a deviation, even of just 1mm, could have resulted in a wonky chair! However, this isn't always the method Adir takes with his projects - a lot of them are a lot freer and start with a vision of a shape which he will begin to sculpt from materials on hand. The design will often change along the way, and at times, the materials will lead him to the final form.

Adir Yakobi  - Threaded & Thrown
Adir Yakobi  - Threaded & Thrown

Adir took a large apartment which functions as both his home and his studio - it was paramount for him to live and breathe his work, for him it is all-encompassing. He likes to be able to create whenever the moment and inspiration take over; which he can do when living and working under one roof. The objects that are created are then used to decorate and furnish Adir's apartment, which also functions as a showroom and gallery.

Adir is now in his third year of studying, with one year left to go. You can see more of his work and make a purchase through his website.

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